Santa Cruz Island - Alberts Anchorage

Wow. What a great sail today!! I left pretty early tio take advantage of the lighter winds that are usual in the morning and it made for a great little sail for me. At one point a school of about 50 dolphins passed behind me. They didn't stop though. Maybe they didn't like the music I was playing? The wind stayed mellow until almost at the end of my sail. Most of the day I was only doing two or three knots. Unless I spend a while under two knots I don't like to motor but this time I actually didn't even motor as much as I needed to recharge my batteries!! When I got there the little cove seened too small to fit me and the other boat that was there but it was ok. With front and stern anchors you don't need much room. This was also my first time setting a second anchor ( to keep me pointed into the surge ). It wasn't hard but I am not sure if I did it the easiest way possible. Whatever, it worked. A quick swim and then I'll go visit my neighbors
Tuesday 17th
My neighbors were 4 really nikce guys from Oregon. They were on their way to the Baja Ha Ha. the big sailing rally that will be heading south just before I will. I think there will be about 170 boats doing the trip at the same time. It's not really for me though. A big part of the acoomplishment come from having to do this on my own. Sure sometimes I'll have help but I am doing the trip with or without it.

Today was a snorkeling day. I took my speargun with me for. I've never fired a speargun. I think the fish knew that, As a matter of fact I don't reqally know which fish I am supposed to try and hunt! I only got a few shots off but didn't hit anything. Actuallyn that's not true, I did manage to shoot some kelp. I practiced "CATCH AND RELEASE" with that one...
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