Coches to Little Scorpion

Thursday Oct 19 - Travel Coches Prietes to Little Scorpion
Light wind day so it's all motoring around the southern end and around to the north east end of the island. I did catch another little mackerel. I was going to eat him but he was just too small. So I used him as bait in the lobser trap :-)

Well once I got settled in I went for a hunt with my speargun again. No one was more surprised than me when I speared my first fish!! (ok ok maybe the fish was more surprised but I digress...) A nice Olive Rockfish made for a great evening meal.
Friday Oct 20th
More spear fishing!! I spent almost 5 hours in the water today. Cruising is hard...
glad to see you are back online, the rest of the trip must be by yourself now, to help us non sailor, could you state your GPS position so we could follow you ,I use GoggleEarth. Have a safe one.
I will follow too....
I spent the day in 10 degree weather with a blustery snow falling while I slip slided around in the pipe racks hooked up to a real time imager radation machine.
Spear fishing or cold pipe racks who's really having all the fun now mister?
Keep the posts coming
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