Bahia Santa Maria to Cabo

Day 10
Rest day, clean up and prep for tomorrow. I also now had the full daytime view of the low point that I came close to running into. You can see it pretty easily during the day on the left of the photo...

Farther into the bay is where the majority of the boats were anchored..

Day 11
Day 11 started off real slow. The first four hours had no wind but lots of fish. They were the little mexican bonito that I caught the other day. Unfortunately my fridge was aready full of tuna. I wanted yellowtail or mahi mahi. I caught 8 fish in two hours. They were all bonito. I had to stop fishing cause I was just throwing them back anyway... Fishing is hard.....
Just as the sun went down the wind started to pick up. I started reeling in the lines and BAM. The other line got hit hard by something.
Of Course it would happen this way. I was now totally unprepared, the boat was picking up speed and wanted attention and it was getting dark. It was a mahi mahi and I wanted him bad. Once he was close to the boat I held the rod with one hand and the gaff with the other. I reached down and to my utter surprise I managed to hook him with the gaff and he was in the boat. There was a brief struggle but in the end I had my first mahi mahi.
Day 12

As I approached Cabo I plotted my course over an underwater seamount about 50 miles from Cabo. I knew that there should be good fishing there cause I'm smart like that (and that's what the guidebook said....) As I got closer I saw some other fishing boiats, and then some more and then some more. Remember that the closest land is 20 miles away. In all I think there were almost twenty boats in a square mile...
My luck was 50/50. I hooked a nice big mahi but lost him before I could get him on the boat...but then I caught a smaller one!!

The winds in the last 10 miles were all over the place. I had stuff from all directions and at various strengths. It made for really annoying sailing because I had to keep changing sails. Eventually once I was in the last 5 miles I resorted to motorsailing with just the main up.
I did my usual night approach to a new harbor. There were a lot more lights now so it was even more confusing. It was hard to tell the city lights from lights on the bay. The anchorage was farther west than I expected. I think the mooring ball area mentioned in the guide was no longer there.....
I anchored in 35 ft about 200 yards from the beach and a variety of hotels.

Rest day, clean up and prep for tomorrow. I also now had the full daytime view of the low point that I came close to running into. You can see it pretty easily during the day on the left of the photo...

Farther into the bay is where the majority of the boats were anchored..

Day 11
Day 11 started off real slow. The first four hours had no wind but lots of fish. They were the little mexican bonito that I caught the other day. Unfortunately my fridge was aready full of tuna. I wanted yellowtail or mahi mahi. I caught 8 fish in two hours. They were all bonito. I had to stop fishing cause I was just throwing them back anyway... Fishing is hard.....
Just as the sun went down the wind started to pick up. I started reeling in the lines and BAM. The other line got hit hard by something.
Of Course it would happen this way. I was now totally unprepared, the boat was picking up speed and wanted attention and it was getting dark. It was a mahi mahi and I wanted him bad. Once he was close to the boat I held the rod with one hand and the gaff with the other. I reached down and to my utter surprise I managed to hook him with the gaff and he was in the boat. There was a brief struggle but in the end I had my first mahi mahi.

Day 12
As I approached Cabo I plotted my course over an underwater seamount about 50 miles from Cabo. I knew that there should be good fishing there cause I'm smart like that (and that's what the guidebook said....) As I got closer I saw some other fishing boiats, and then some more and then some more. Remember that the closest land is 20 miles away. In all I think there were almost twenty boats in a square mile...
My luck was 50/50. I hooked a nice big mahi but lost him before I could get him on the boat...but then I caught a smaller one!!

The winds in the last 10 miles were all over the place. I had stuff from all directions and at various strengths. It made for really annoying sailing because I had to keep changing sails. Eventually once I was in the last 5 miles I resorted to motorsailing with just the main up.
I did my usual night approach to a new harbor. There were a lot more lights now so it was even more confusing. It was hard to tell the city lights from lights on the bay. The anchorage was farther west than I expected. I think the mooring ball area mentioned in the guide was no longer there.....
I anchored in 35 ft about 200 yards from the beach and a variety of hotels.

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