By now I was getting tierd of approaching anchorages in the dark so this time it was up at 3 am for a 4am departure. There was a decent wind so soon I was sailing off into the darkness.Once the sun came up the wind died down and so I fired

up the engine. Things were going fine but then the engine stopped. It was about time to change fuel tanks so I thought that might be the problem. I switched to the second tank but that didn't help. A quick check of the guages showed I didn't have any oil pressure. aaack! I removed the stairs to have a look at the engine and there was oil everywhere. CRAP!!First - PANIC!!Second - Self control and problem solving...After some franic problem solving I finally traced the problem to a failure in the oil pressure switch. It failed completely and would let oil straight out onto the floor. yuck. Thankfully I had spare oil and and a spare pressure switch and was able to fix the problem while I was still sailing.
The rest of the sail was pretty quiet with wind from the north at 5 Kts or less...

It was really nice to get to an anchorage get to an achorage while it was still light out.

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