Los Gatos to Agua Verde

Agua Verde
We had heard that there was another big bad "Norther" coming tomorrow so it was time to move once again. We had a blustery sail up the coast which had everything from no wind to good 20 knot gusts. Unfotuantely nothing lasted for more than about 15 minutes at a time so it made for really annoying sailing. Just as you would get the sails dialed in everything would change. It was all made up for by more spectacular coastline. Eventually it just plain died out and we motored around Punta San Marcial.
This section acually worried me a bit at first because the charts are vague as to whether there is a good passage between the point nd the outer reef. I followed a line from
N 25. 31. 190
W 111. 00. 007
through to
N 25. 31 .400
W 111. 01. 405
and never saw less than 60 ft of depth.

We arrived in Agua Verde to another empty anchorage. (it would have few more boats later but it was nice while it lasted...) Initially we were anchored up in the NE corner but quickly decided that it was a bad idea. There is a submerged rock in the NE portion of the anchorage. It's 8 to 10 feet below the surface but caused me some concern after I noticed a sunken sailboat wreck just off to the east side of it We ended up anchored in the middle of the small bay in 25 ft of water. A bit more exposure to wind but far away from that nasty rock. I prepped the boat for the nasty weather coming our way and
then settled into coctails and food.
We had heard that there was another big bad "Norther" coming tomorrow so it was time to move once again. We had a blustery sail up the coast which had everything from no wind to good 20 knot gusts. Unfotuantely nothing lasted for more than about 15 minutes at a time so it made for really annoying sailing. Just as you would get the sails dialed in everything would change. It was all made up for by more spectacular coastline. Eventually it just plain died out and we motored around Punta San Marcial.
This section acually worried me a bit at first because the charts are vague as to whether there is a good passage between the point nd the outer reef. I followed a line from
N 25. 31. 190
W 111. 00. 007
through to
N 25. 31 .400
W 111. 01. 405
and never saw less than 60 ft of depth.

We arrived in Agua Verde to another empty anchorage. (it would have few more boats later but it was nice while it lasted...) Initially we were anchored up in the NE corner but quickly decided that it was a bad idea. There is a submerged rock in the NE portion of the anchorage. It's 8 to 10 feet below the surface but caused me some concern after I noticed a sunken sailboat wreck just off to the east side of it We ended up anchored in the middle of the small bay in 25 ft of water. A bit more exposure to wind but far away from that nasty rock. I prepped the boat for the nasty weather coming our way and