La Paz Again
First stop was the little bay that has the mushroom rock that you sometimes see in promo stuff for Mexico. This little bay was packed with Mexican weekenders and was not very well protected. After an hour of hearing screaming kids and rolling around on the boat I decided that there may be better places to hang out. I hauled up the anchor and moved on to False Bay. This is a decent little anchorage just outside of the major commercial harbor near La Paz. There is a little hotel on the beach there but unfortunately it was closed when I was there so I wasn't able to check it out..
Eventually we had a system where we would strip down to bathing suits in preparation for the ride out. We knew we would get soaked so limiting the damage seemed to be the best plan. I don't think we ever got the full drowned rat look going but sometimes it sure felt like it..
With my new guest in La Paz, I decided that a full vacation party session was in order. Afternoon gin and tonics blended into evening cervesas and eventually morning hangovers. Of course a good time was had by all.
Since Julie had a car I convinced her to come and check out La Ventana with me. La Ventana is a windsurfing and kite boarding mecca that attracts people from all over the world over the winter months. While checking out the area there was easily over a hundred people with kites and windsurfers out on the bay. I decided there and then that I would come back here after my trip to the states..
The next day Julie dropped me off at the airport as I prepared for the shock to the system. A half day on an airplane and I was right back in cold and snow.
What took me 12 days on a boat only took 4 hours on an airplane... damn…
Boats are slow
The USA trip was great because it allowed me to visit with all my friends. Dinner parties, beers, coffee and just hanging out. It was great to see everyone. Before I had time to settle in, it was already time to head back to Mexico. (poor me)
Another half day on a plane and all the cold, the snow, and the rain started to fade into my memories. I picked up a rental car at the airport and nervously headed back to where I had left my boat over a week ago. I had never left my boat at anchor for this long before and to be honest I wasn't sure what to expect. Thankfully everything was exactly as I had left it and the only casualties were some rotting butter and cheese.
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