Kite Kite Kite

As I had mentioned earlier my focus for the next 12 days was going to be Kitesurfing. In order to do this I would need to commute 45 mins each way every day to get to La Ventana. Everything else was on pause and my sole focus for the near future was gaining some measure of control of this whole kite thing.
The very next morning after arriving back in town I headed off to La Ventana. I still had things to unpack. I still had dirty laundry to deal with. There was no food in the fridge. I didn't care. For the next twelve days the only thing that will matter is kiteboarding.
No Blog for you, no photos, nothing until these days are done. I'll write up a good history of my learning/crashing/near drownings when it's done.
Meanwhile I actually updated some of the old posts with some google earth satellite views. Starts with San Diego working south...
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